ERROR [S1C00] [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Driver not capable [with]

Hello Experts,

I am facing issues when connecting from to lotus notes.8.5.3.

I have both lotus notes and notessql driver 8.5.3 version.

i careated data source the Lotus ntes driver(.nsf) when i am trying to trying to connect it throws errs:

ERROR [S1C00] [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Driver not capable
ERROR [IM006] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
ERROR [S1000] [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Unable to validate userid ldapfulcrum
ERROR [28000] [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Invalid authorization specification

Below is My connectin string:
OdbcConnection odbcConnection = null;
odbcConnection.ConnectionString = "Driver={Lotus Notes SQL DRIVER (*.nsf)};Server=;Database=Portal\MHW\Latest\MHJobAcc.nsf;Uid=ldapfulcrum;Pwd=fulcrum;MaxVarcharLen=1024";


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