PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider

This OLE DB Provider is provided by PgOleDb Development Team. The main functionality of the provider is contained in the file PgOleDb.dll.

Include "Provider=PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider" in the connection string to use this provider.


This provider supports back end versions 7.4.x or above. Attempting to connect to a database running version 7.3.x or down will result in an error message saying "Couldn't query pg_type". Timestamps are only guarenteed to work with backends of version 8.0 and up.

  In order to install this software, copy PGOLEDB.DLL and LIBPQ.DLL into your system directory. Next, as administrator, run "regsvr32 PGOLEDB.DLL". You should get a dialog message saying "registration succeeded".

  If anything goes wrong, extended logging can be turned on for the provider. To turn on extended logging, modify in the registry the key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PostgreSQL\OLE DB Provider". Under that key, create to values. One should be called "LogFile", and should specify full path (directory + filename) of the log file to create. The second should be "LogLevel" (type DWORD), and should specify what level of verbosity the logs should have. Setting it to "3" should give fairly complete coverage. When logging is no longer desired, please make sure to either remove or empty the "LogFile" value. Failing to do so may result in unnecessary disk space wasted.

More info about this provider can be found at the PgOleDb Development Team product page.


This OLE DB Provider, PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider, can be downloaded here.

Connection Strings

The PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider provider can be used to connect to the following data sources by using the following connection string references:
