Ms SQL connection string
Hi. I am looking for the right connection string to retrieve data from microsoft sql database (2019 version) to an excel worksheet, using vba. I am currently using the MS Office 2016 version..
Hi. I am looking for the right connection string to retrieve data from microsoft sql database (2019 version) to an excel worksheet, using vba. I am currently using the MS Office 2016 version..
I am unable to connect SQL Server database from my Julia Language code web server; I suspect I am not able to figure out proper connection string.
how to connect ssms from visual studio using a domain account or service account ?
Hi, I have exported data into excel file using oledb since I cannot use interop or any third party library. Here is my code ''' ''' Export datagridview's data contained in an data table to excel file
I am using asp classic and access 97 database. I am trying to connect two databases at the same time. I want to join two tables in dfifferent databases. I couldn't connect them. How can we join two tables from two databases? I will be gratefull for your help.
I get the error below when I run code to write clear data and write data into a SQL Server Database.
I have a large collection of small databases that open in Access. I am trying to open them in a application (.net framework 4.7.2) with this connection string (and variations for the many directories that contain the other database files):
Hello everyone, I'm trying to make a VB console app to send mails extracting the data for the mail from a database located in the same pc. I didn't set up anything of the mysql server client.
I am a Continuity Management consultant, and work with app and infrastructure resources to create and validate recovery/resiliency plans.
If i will use other domain i cannot connect to the MS SQL Server but if i am using the same domain i was able to connect to the MS SQL. Another domain is okay i can ping and i can remote also share drive ok also only the application cannot.
I have windows 8 Trying to Connect Access 2007 from VB.Net 2012 using the ADODB Connection"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Temp.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=")
how to create dns-less connection from ms access to sqlite
I don't know if I'm in the right place. I have done everything with PHP and ODBC so far. Now I wanted to make my homepage show-like and I made it with WordPress. so far everything OK
buenas noches, tengo problemas para ingresar a mi dominio en wordpress, cuando coloco para entrar al admin me arroja un error que dice:
I am trying to connect from my Azure function app to a SQL server which is installed on a Azure VM. Kindly help with the connection string "Server = MyVMIpAddress;Integrated security = true;Database = mydb;User Id = myuser;Password = mypwd;"
Hi, current environment: AccessDatabase (.mdb) file located at secured network share special domain user account has read/write permissions to this network share
Corporation updated my server and i started getting this error (provided from the server team): GET, /page/pages/MarketMatrix-2.asp, |236|800a0e7a|Provider_cannot_be_found._It_may_not_be_properly_installed.,
Has or does anybody have information about working in "AHK" "Auto Hotkey" and connecting to an access database? Have found this link:
I am trying to connect an access 97 database from php, I have tried three ways methods and none works for me: $db = 'c:/VENTAS.MDB'; $odbcname = "ventas_dsn_sistema";
I'm building an Visual C++ project which is connected to Azure SQL database via ODBC, I placed the following connection string that Azure:
I'm a student learning programming. I need to find out what web address gets my database and server. I need to find out what the database name is.
I try to transfer a classic-asp-application from Windows Server 2008R2/II7 to 2016/II10 and SQL 2008 to SQL 2016. The application works fine with IIS10 and SQL 2008. Also with IIS7 and SQL 2016.
SSIS package works fine in Visual Studio, But when deployed it says gives error, SQL Jobs fails execution
I'm trying to make use of gMSA's to connect from ASP/X code to an MS SQL 2016 server. I've configured the gMSA with permissions on the target database and set up the gMSA on the source server, but can't get a connection string configured to use the account.
I am new to SQL Connection strings. We recently migrated from SQL Server 2008 32 bit to SQL Server 2017 64 bit. The database I am using is an Access 2010 32 bit and we upgraded to Access 2013 32 bit. I believe the connection string that was being used for SQL Server 2008 32 bit was
I wrote a VB .NET program using VS17 that opens Excel files and loads the data into an Access database. For .xls files, I use the connection string: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= ...;Extended Properties Excel 8.0;
Bonjour et merci voici mon besoin j'ai un fichier excel qui me permet de gere mes contact depuis un userform dans le quel il y a des textbox et une combobox qui a pour base une table access
Hi, it is working in Excel-32 bit version, but not working in excel-64 bit. I have a linked table in ms-access which is linked to a sql server table, and when I am trying to fetch the data in excel via VBA from ms-access linked table the error message "ODBC connection failed" showing.
Why does the SQL Server ODBC Connection page not mention any example of using a non-standard port? I was incorrectly trying to use the "Port" attribute as "Port=x" but that does not work.
Hi Guys I am using SQL Server 2012 , using import and export wizard i want to migrate nuodb databse to sql , but could not find any JDBC data source inside the wizard.