SAS IOM connection strings

SAS IOM Data Provider

Local instance of the IOM server

Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=_LOCAL_;

The value of "_LOCAL_" is a keyword that indicates that a local instance of the IOM servers should be used.

Bridge protocol

Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;

Corba protocol

Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=1;SAS Port=1359;

Com protocol

Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=0;SAS Port=1359;

SAS Service Name instead of port number

Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Service Name=sasobjspawn;

Make sure that "SAS Port" isn't defined in the connection string as it will override the "SAS Service Name" value.

Login required by server

Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;User ID=myUser;Password=myPassword;

Tabular Data server type

Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;SAS Server Type=1;

This is the default setting for server type.

OLAP server type

Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;SAS Server Type=2;

Establish communication with an existing workspace

Provider=sas.IOMProvider;Data Source=myServerName;SAS Machine DNS;SAS Protocol=2;SAS Port=1359;SAS Workspace ID=myWorkspaceUniqueIdentifier;

Connects to a unique ID that was generated by the SAS Workspace Manager.