Connecting to Oracle using python's pyodbc library

I am trying to connect to Oracle 12c R1 using the python library pyodbc. I am having zero luck. Can anybody help?

thx in advance!

4 answers

Hope it would be helpful if you haven't found the answer yet.
Anyway, I'll put it here in case anyone elase will need that :)

Driver={Oracle in instantclient_18_5};DBQ=localhost:1521;uid=C##TESTER;pwd=Tester123

@Tal Aloni, trying to connect to Oracle using pyodbc with Driver =
{Oracle in instantclient_18_5};

but return:
InterfaceError: ('IM002', '[IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified (0) (SQLDriverConnect)')

When running pyodbc.drivers() it only shows :
['SQL Server',
'SQL Server Native Client 11.0',
'ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server']

Did you add {Oracle in instantclient_18_5} to pyodbc drivers?


@Sergio Mendez, Yes, I've added my oracle driver to the list of pyodbc drivers.
Attaching an installation guide:

@Tal Aloni thanks for your help! Installed it correctly, now just gotta make sure the oci.dll is 64bits