What is the string connection that i need to connect

Good morning, I'm new here, live in Venezuela, glad to know about you, come here to solve a problem with a connection between a Visual Basic 6, and Sql Server 2000, converted my Access database to Sql database with Access, .adp, and move to Sql server 2000 with access2003. Sorry if i am beginning with sql server 2000 my first sql Server.

My dababase name is Consultorio_OdontologicoSQL.MDF, is beside Master, Northwind, pubs, ...

Move from Access to Sql Server 2000, with and export to Sql Server from Access.

OS is Windows Xp profesional, work from down to up, scalable work.

The mayor problem is stablish the connection string, allways an error in the connection, well please need someone that can help me.

My atempts to connect are those;

GlobalCn="Provider=SQLOLEDB; " & _
"Initial Catalog=Consultorio_Odontologico.MDF; " & _
"Data Source=COMP1; " & _
"Integrated Security SSPI; " & _
"Trusted Connections=True; " & _
"User=Usuario1; " & _

this, and combinations but all fail.


  • With windows connectios
  • Session begin: COMP1\Usuario1

on server tried windows, Windows and Sql Server

errors can be on string needed or configuration server.

Hope someone can help me on it. Thanks.

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