Acces to DB ACCES

J'arrive pas à me connecter sur ma base de donnée ACCESS,
voici le message d'erreur :
le fournisseur "microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0" n'est pas inscrit dans l'ordinateur local

voici la chaîne de connexion :
//Chaine de connexion
String ConnectionString = @"Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEB.4.0; Data Source = C:\Users\omar\Documents\XX.mdb";

J'utilise Windows 7, 32 bits

Aidez moi SVP

1 answer

From what program are you trying to connect? If from an Office vba program then you probably do not have the correct references selected. For 4.0 I think you need Microsoft ActiveX DataObjects 2.6 Library selected. If you are not in an Office VBA environment I am not sure.

Hope this at least gets you going in the right direction . . .

Please reply if you are trying to connect from Office and you are having a hard time understanding what I am trying to say.

Thanks --